How large is your lawn? That certainly has everything to do with the design elements you incorporate into your landscape. It also has to do with how much you end up spending. You would be surprised, however, as to how much you can do with smaller lawns. With more extensive yards, you sometimes have wide open spaces that you have to fill in to make your landscape flow. Regardless of the type of yard you have, you want it to look great.
Do you like honeysuckle? I know it's not everyone's favorite ornamental choice for a perimeter. However, I grew up in Kentucky, and the backyard of our home had honeysuckle along the edge of the yard on one side. I used to love to walk up and pick a honeysuckle flower and get the sweetness from it. Have you ever done that? Honeysuckle is quite beautiful, too.
Another landscape element that I remember my parents had in their yard when I was a kid was a cherry tree. That cherry tree was very nice looking. Cherry trees have a beautiful trunk, and of course, they look nice and also produce delicious cherries. Later, when I had my yard, I took a liking to vining plants, like yellow jasmine. I also like fragrant plants. I planted the vining plants along the wooden fence of my side yard, and they all started to come together with a little and looked beautiful.
I was creating a secret garden, but it was also like I was building a new version of the home run wall at Wrigley Field. Get creative with your landscape design. You will enjoy everything you do that is a little different. It's going to look great, and you will be glad that you took the time to think things through really. I hope that I have helped.